Expired FUNdraiser – Rehabilitation for Danielle Sloan
Led by Ray
For $30, receive a wine bottle, olive oil spout, and all the materials you need to create tonight’s featured painting.
$10 of your ticket will benefit Danielle Sloan. Danielle has been recovering after three brain surgeries. She cannot work or operate a vehicle. She is at home caring for her baby daughter Alyssa, and her kids. Her physician has recommended she take a full year to heal from her surgeries and trauma. Proceeds from this event will assist with Danielle’s recovery and comfort. Here is more on her story: http://rhna.ernesthealth.com/danielle-sloan/
July 27, 2019
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Venue: Creative Spirits Studio Location
Venue Phone: 928-600-9291
Venue Website: www.creativespiritsaz.com
All events after 4 p.m. are BYOB (wine and beer only, please) unless otherwise specified. BYOB applies to our STUDIO LOCATION ONLY